Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Too Young to Know Better?

Every Monday, I receive an email from my daughter's school with the weekly newsletter attached. Usually I just scan, checking for anything that may be of importance to Rachael. But this week, a huge section of it caught my eye and absolutely shocked me. I am very lucky that my children go to a school where reports of bullying and bad behaviour rarely happens and when it does, it is dealt with quickly and seriously. So it should not come as surprise that the headteacher has gone to the lengths his has to deal with the current behaviour from a select few children. 

There has been racist behaviour and name calling, something luckily the school feels is simply unacceptable. But it has recently come to light that some children believe homophobic comments are acceptable, and use the word "gay" in an extremely negative light, specifically in relation to other children's clothes, hairstyles and even friendships between the same gender. But are these children too young to know better or are their parents' views being reflected on to them?

I consider myself to be quite a tolerant person, I accept people no matter their religion, ethnicity, colour and sexuality, but I have to admit I detest people who are bullies, racists or homophobic. So obviously when I read this newsletter, I was shocked and disgusted that children in junior school were behaving in this way! I agree with what the headteacher said in respect to parents' views in that they are not accepted within the school in any way and that each and every child should be treated equally with the same respect. I have quite few gay friends, all of whom I adore, accept and respect. Jonathan and I have brought up all of our children to be tolerant of other people, no matter their differences and they have met our gay friends a number of time, so luckily I know Rachael is not one of these children behaving in such a way.

To be honest, as my Dad said to me, they probably do not know any better. But even so, where are they getting such behaviour from? Obviously their parents! I totally understand that each parent wants to bring up their children up with their beliefs, morals and values but in a time where equality is becoming more and more realistic (even if we still have a long way to go), these parents should not be brainwashing their children into believing that being different is wrong! Give them the facts, the pros and cons and when they are old enough, let them make up their own minds! But do not turn them into racist, homophobic bullies!

I am very lucky to have been brought up to be independent and to have my own mind! I have many different beliefs, morals and values (but it does not mean it is a bad thing) to what my parents do and I do hope my children grow up to be the same especially in an ever changing world, just as long as they are tolerant and respectful of people different to them. And this is something every parent should be teaching their children.

So in answer to my own question, yes these kids are probably too young to know better, so have made a huge mistake for which they will suffer the consequences. The simple fact of the matter is that these parents should know better and make it clear that no matter their own views, behaviour like this should not happen and if it does, it will never be tolerated!

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